The Best Sewing Machine for You

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It’s finally time.

You’ve been thinking about learning to sew and are ready to get started.

There’s one problem.

You don’t have a sewing machine!

Sewing machines on a table

Note: This post is part of a series called Starting to Sew. This series is intended for people who are either new to sewing, have limited sewing knowledge, or need a plan of action to teach their child how to sew. It’s designed to help you prepare for wildly successful sewing experiences.

IMPORTANT: Sewing machines have moving parts, sharp needles, and can cause injury if not handled properly. Read and follow safety instructions in the sewing machine instruction manual.

Do not use the sewing machine as a toy. Close attention is necessary when the sewing machine is used by or near children.

If you don’t have a sewing machine at home that works and you’re considering buying one, it’s helpful to think about several questions before you actually start looking for your future sewing machine.

Thinking about these questions ahead of time (and maybe even having answers) will make your shopping experience productive and enjoyable.

How to Determine the Best Sewing Machine for You

Think carefully about the following questions before you go shopping. Your hunt for the perfect sewing machine will be more focused, and you’ll be less likely to get overwhelmed by the number of choices.

Question One:

Why do you want a sewing machine?

As you start your hunt, you’ll discover many sewing machines can be used for multiple purposes. Other sewing machines are designed for a specific kind of sewing.

Some specialty machines are:

  • sergers (uses multiple threads to simultaneously sew a seam, trim off the raw edges, and finish the edge)
  • quilting machines (designed specifically for quilting)
  • embroidery machines (allows you to personalize items with letters, words, and graphics)

If you have imagined yourself making clothes, doing random sewing and craft projects, home decor, and/or piecing and quilting, you’ll want to look for a traditional sewing machine that will enable you to sew one or more of these types of projects.

Question Two:

What is your skill level?

If this sewing machine will be your first one, you want to look for one that has fewer features making it easier to use.

As you delve into the world of sewing, you’ll enjoy it much more if you can spend most of your time learning basic sewing skills and not on how to work the machine.

If you’ve been sewing for a while and are thinking about getting a new machine, look for one with features that will address the frustrations you have felt and solve problems you have experienced on your current machine.

Question Three:

Do you want a mechanical, electronic, or computerized sewing machine?

Note: As you think about how you would answer this question, consider how comfortable you are with technology.

Almost all sewing machines made today use electricity to power them.

The three types of machines referenced in this question have to do with the way you tell the sewing machine to do certain things, such as, but not limited to, stitch length, stitch width, and selecting the type of stitch you want.

Mechanical sewing machines use knobs, dials, and levers to make selections. You have to manually make changes. The number of stitches you can choose from are usually limited but you have all the features you need to start sewing.

Electronic sewing machines use buttons and an LCD screen or possibly touchpad controls to tell your machine what to do. Tasks that need to be done manually on a mechanical machine (like threading the needle) may be automated on an electronic machine. These machines will likely have hundreds of stitch choices.

Computerized sewing machines may have automated features like the electronic sewing machines but will likely have removable memory cards, and/or can be attached to the internet allowing you to access thousands of patterns and stitches. Computerized machines can be beneficial to sewers who are heavily into quilting designs and intricate embroidery.

Question Four:

How much are you willing to spend?

A more expensive machine doesn’t always mean it is better. There are many reliable machines that are great for beginners but don’t cost an arm and a leg.

Sewing machines range in price from under $100 to thousands of dollars. Prices are determined by such things as the type of machine (see question 3), brand (see question 5), as well as features and accessories (see question 6).

Think carefully about how much you want to spend, and stick to that amount. Don’t spend time looking at machines that are more than your budgeted amount.

Keep in mind, the machine won’t be your only cost as you begin your sewing journey. If you budget your finances, in addition to the sewing machine, there are some tools you will need as well as notions and fabric for the projects you want to do.

Question Five:

Do you have a particular brand in mind?

Many people who sew have a strong opinion on what brand of sewing machine is best.

Don’t be surprised to get 5 different answers if you ask 5 different people what their favorite brand is.

No matter what brand of sewing machine you start off with, chances are you will eventually form an opinion too.

But as you start thinking about your first sewing machine, I encourage you to start with well-known brand. Here’s why:

When you buy your sewing machine, more than likely it will come with some accessories (like presser feet, bobbins, needles, etc.). Some of these accessories can be universal and fit on a variety of different sewing machines. Other accessories will be specific to the brand and model of your machine.

If you buy a well-known brand of sewing machine, it will be easier to find accessories when you need them.

Some popular brands are:

  • Brother
  • Singer
  • Janome (Elna)
  • Bernina
  • Pfaff
  • Baby Lock
  • Juki
  • Viking (Husqvarna)

I personally own and use a Singer, Janome, and Pfaff. I also have a couple of vintage Brother machines that I don’t use on a regular basis but work like a charm.

When I taught in-person classes at a local sewing studio, the owner was (and still is) a huge fan of Brother sewing machines. Brother’s basic model are the machines used in the studio.

The Amazon image below is almost identical to the sewing machines used in the studio. This model is great for beginners because stitches are controlled by one knob.

Question Six:

Do you have any “must-have” features for your sewing machine?

From 1995 – 2018, I used the same basic mechanical machine for all my sewing. Nothing fancy to it.

In December 2018, it stopped working in the middle of a project, so I borrowed a basic mechanical machine from my mom that she was no longer using. This machine was manufactured in 2005, and introduced me to some convenient features my old faithful machine didn’t have:

  • a needle threader
  • a thread cutter that is attached to the machine
  • and a way to regulate the sewing speed.

My mom is a quilter and is constantly creating quilt tops. She has several electronic sewing machines she uses and they have some pretty neat features that for her are “must-haves”:

  • an automatic thread cutter
  • a light that tells you when the bobbin is almost empty
  • and an automatic needle up and down when you start and stop.

Keep in mind, for your first machine you want one that will allow you to focus on your sewing skills instead of a machine that has a bunch of features you may never use.

Regardless of the type, brand, or price of your machine, there will be some features and possibly some advanced options that intrigue you.

So think carefully about what you must have on your machine before you decide if it is a deal-breaker or not.

Question Seven:

Does the machine have a free arm?

When a sewing machine has a free arm it is easier to sew sleeves, pant legs, or other items that are difficult to sew on a flat area. If you will be sewing clothes or doing projects that may have a tube shape (like bags, purses, or waistbands), you want the sewing machine to have a free arm.

On some sewing machines, you can access the free arm by removing the accessory box or extension plate. In my opinion, you want to make sure the machine you purchase has a free arm.

Free arm and accessory box on a sewing machine
Top picture: Free arm is exposed. Bottom picture: Free arm and accessory box make a larger sewing area.

Question Eight:

Does the bobbin load from the front or the top of the machine?

Front-loading bobbins have been around for a long time. This type of bobbin is placed in a case before being inserted in the sewing machine. Oftentimes, the bobbin house is located behind the accessory box which has to be moved before the bobbin can be changed.

Front loading and top loading bobbins
Top picture: Front loading bobbin. Bottom picture: Top loading bobbin.

Top-loading bobbins have been around for a while and are a more recent design feature. This type of bobbin doesn’t require a separate case. Usually, the bobbin house is easy to access because it’s on the top of the machine, right in front of the needle plate. Some top-loading bobbins have a transparent cover allowing you to see when the bobbin is almost empty.

Most modern machines have top-loading bobbins. However, there are still a few machines that have front-loading bobbins.

Many sewists have a preference for one over the other. If you have the opportunity to work with different machines before making a final decision, try inserting the bobbin into both a front-loading and top-loading machine and see if you like one better.

Question Nine:

Where is the spool pin?

The spool pin is the shaft that holds the spool of thread in place on the machine. Usually located on the top of the machine, it can be vertical (standing up) or horizontal (laying down). Some machines have a diagonal spool pin on the top of the machine.

Vertical and horizontal spool pins for thread
Top picture: Horizontal spool pin and an attachment for a vertical one. Bottom left: Horizontal spool pin. Bottom right: Vertical spool pin.

Also, some sewing machines with a horizontal spool pin have a hole where a second spool pin can be inserted on top of the machine.

I never really paid attention to the direction of the spool pin until I borrowed my mother’s machine.

My sewing machine had a vertical spool pin. I could easily see the spool of thread and knew when the spool was almost empty.

When my sewing machine stopped working, I borrowed a machine from my mother. It has a horizontal spool pin. I was quilting a lap quilt and the project required a lot of thread. I had gone through several bobbins and knew the spool of thread would be running out soon. While I sewed I could not easily see the spool of thread because the horizontal pin nestled in a space at the top of the machine. Stretching my neck was necessary to see the spool and I didn’t like that.

An advantage of a horizontal spool pin is if the handle hinges, you may be able to leave the machine threaded when you move it.

If you have a vertical spool pin, more than likely you will need to remove the thread and push the pin down in order to access the handle to carry the machine.

Question Ten:

What type of stitches and presser feet does the machine have?


The straight stitch and zigzag stitch are two stitches you definitely must have on your sewing machine. These two stitches will allow you to accomplish almost all of your sewing projects.

If your machine has the straight and zigzag stitches, it should also have the option for you to adjust both the length and width of the stitches.

I’ve never seen a machine where you couldn’t make these two adjustments. That doesn’t mean that machine isn’t out there. Make sure these are options on the machine you buy.

Other stitches that could be important to you are (especially if you want to sew clothes):

  • blind hem stitch (for sewing invisible hems)
  • elastic stitch (for sewing elastic on fabric)
  • overlock stitch (a combo straight and zigzag for finishing seams)

Presser Feet

A presser foot is an attachment on a sewing machine that holds the fabric flat against the feed dogs so it moves through the machine and stitches are formed.

feed dogs under the presser foot

Usually the standard or zig-zag foot will be the one you use, but some specialty stitches require a specific presser foot. Find out what presser feet come with your machine.

The type of sewing you want to do will determine what type of specialty presser feet you will need, but if you’re just getting started, make sure your machine has a:

  • zipper foot
  • button-hole foot

The Best Sewing Machine for You

By having thought through these ten questions, you’ll be in a position to know what you want and don’t want in a sewing machine.

This knowledge will give you an advantage when shopping for a sewing machine.

You will be able to narrow your focus to only those machines that meet your criteria.

As a result, you will know exactly what you are looking for and be less overwhelmed by all the choices.

You will have fun looking for the perfect sewing machine for you. In the end, the sewing machine you decide on will fit your purpose, budget, and make your sewing experiences enjoyable.

Now, it is time to decide where to buy your sewing machine!

Let’s Connect

My goal at The Ruffled Purse is to support, empower, and inspire you to sew and make wonderful things for yourself, your home, and others.

Need help or have questions on this project, pattern, or tutorial? Send me an email at and we can work together to get it figured out!

Make sure you sign up for Snappy Scissors (my FREE newsletter sent directly to your inbox) for ongoing sewing inspiration and education. You can find the sign-up box at the bottom of the post.

Also, like or follow The Ruffled Purse® on Facebook. This is another way to stay up-to-date on the fun things going on at The Ruffled Purse.

You can even follow me on Pinterest, Instagram and YouTube! 😊

As seen in:

Finding the best sewing machine Pinterest image

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  1. I have a Bernini machine that I “inherited “ don’t know the first thing about it! I have several books that would take hours to read(a lot to comprehend)
    Any suggestions?

    1. An inherited machine can be a blessing or a curse. Some things that came to mind about your question on learning to use it:

      -Do you know when it was last used and if it actually works? You may want to have a sewing machine repair person take a look at it before you invest time in learning how to use it. They can give it a good clean and tune it up. They might even be able to give you a quick lesson on how to thread it. If they do, ask if you can video it for future reference.

      -Do the books you referenced in your comment include an instruction manual? You definitely want that.

      -If there is just too much info in the books, take a look at lessons 4-10 in my Starting to Sew class. It’s free online. Here is the link – These lessons break it down to the most basic things you need to know to use the machine. But you’ll need the manual. Or use the index or table of contents in the books to quickly locate the info.

      -Do a YouTube and Google search for how to use a _____ (fill in the blank with the make and model) you may get lucky and someone created a video on how to use it.

      -Is there a shop near you that is a certified dealer of that brand of sewing machine? They may be able to give you a quick lesson on the basics.

      I hope this helps and your “new” machine is a blessing.

  2. I want to learn how to sew and came across your Online Class for Beginners. I just wanted to say thank you because after reading this article I know what kind of machine I need and want for my future projects, can’t wait to go and buy one and then continue the other lessons!

    1. That’s great, Marijana! I’m thrilled the article was able to help you. Welcome to the wonderful world of sewing!

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