Applique Tools to Make Sewing More Enjoyable


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Whether you applique by hand or machine, having the right applique tools helps you achieve the look you want during the process and in the completed project.

Applique techniques play a critical part in the final results, but the equipment you use is just as important.

With the right applique tools, your sewing enjoyment goes up and frustrations go down.

Ways to Applique

Hand applique with freezer paper is my favorite method to embellish, customize, and personalize sewing projects.

Basting during hand applique

Machine applique tends to be a little faster than hand applique and there are more options for visible stitches.

Many machines have a variety of stitch options. This allows for some creative opportunities with applique projects.

You can even use a combination of hand and machine applique in order to get different finished looks.

Letters appliques with a combination of machine and hand applique
Machine applique was used on the dark blue letters. Hand applique was used on the colorful letters on top. Using both techniques and different fabrics created a shadow effect.

Regardless of the applique method or technique you use, having the right equipment makes the applique sewing more fun and less frustrating.

There are several applique tools I use consistently whether I’m hand or machine appliqueing.

In my opinion, having access to these tools makes applique sewing more enjoyable.

For your convenience, I’ve created a list of applique tools and supplies I use for both hand and machine applique.

Hand Applique Tools and Supplies

These hand applique tools and supplies are the ones I use just about every time I'm working on a hand applique project.

Machine Applique Tools and Supplies

Depending on the project, I use different tools and supplies. But when I machine applique I always use a double-sided fusible web and stabilizer.

Tools and Supplies for Both Hand and Machine Applique

The following equipment is what I use for both hand and machine applique.

Let’s Connect

My goal at The Ruffled Purse is to support, empower, and inspire you to sew and make wonderful things for yourself, your home, and others.

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